Information about the Parish Council
Your Parish Council is Local Government in action, with local democracy ensuring accountability and response to local needs. The council comprises villagers, elected to serve four year terms without payment, save a better living environment for us all. To ensure fair play and accountability for public funds, the council abides by Local Governance documentation and procedures, reviewed annually and listed on this site.
Gratitude is expressed to Richard Lingard and Tim Aber who has personally run and hosted the village web site on behalf of the village over many years. Much of this site's content is based upon his endeavours and other village contributors - Gary Denby, Parish Clerk, May 2020.
The main areas of Parish Council business can be accessed quickly through the displayed tabs.
Village Map (PDF, 505 Kb)
Thank you Simon for your map.
- Council Meetings
The Local Parish Council meetings calendar, past, present and future. These give direct access to their respective agendas and recorded minutes.
- Parish Documents
All our documents are stored here, you can search and filter to easily find the documents of interest. Older documents will have been forwarded to the Northamptonshire Archive for safe-keeping, under West Northamptonshire Council .
- Contact Us
This page contains an online form for easy communication with the Parish Council via the Parish Clerk.